Welcome to the Blog!

If you have made it this far, you’re a real one! To get here you most likely clicked on the link in my bio, clicked on my website and had to do yet another click to make it to this post, my very FIRST blog post, and for that, I am TRULY grateful.

Now, let’s get straight to the question we (including myself) are all asking… What the heck am I doing? Also, does anyone even read blogs anymore? Not sure to be honest… But the answer to the first question comes down to one simple thing: the quiet.

You know those moments of quiet? The ones where the outside noise is drowned out by your thoughts? When there is no screen in front of your face, no children saying, “Mom, mom, MOM!” Nothing to tend to and no one to talk to but yourself? If not, you need to set aside some time for some serious self care, but we will talk about that later. For me this quiet happens when I am taking a long bath (sucker for baths over here), in the car by myself, journaling, on a walk etc. Well, many of those times when I am observing my thoughts, inspirations and desires my brain keeps coming back to one thing; Writing a freaking blog.

Writing, sharing, creating, connecting, inspiring, being inspired.

Since I was diagnosed with cancer in 2019, I have been on a sometimes beautiful, sometimes treacherous, always interesting… healing journey. I have grown SO much in so many ways. I have gotten vulnerable, faced hard truths, fallen on my face, and gotten back up again, over and over and over. Each time I seem to make progress on one aspect of my life, I uncover something else I didn't even realize was holding me back. Whether it be things that happened in my childhood, PTSD from cancer and its treatment, my own self-limiting beliefs... There is a lot to unpack.

Until recently (I've had a block for a while now), I have been a pretty open book on social media, but sometimes it is difficult to get TRULY vulnerable when it can be so easily accessed by anyone and everyone. This feels a bit more private, but still open to those who are interested in joining the discussion.

My dream for the Mending Melinda blog is for it to be a community of healing and a way of holding myself accountable to the self-work I have been doing and want to continue doing. I am going to be sharing in real time what I am going through now and what routines, methods, activities etc. have been helping my mend my body and my soul, while at the same time talking about what I have been through in the past, to help others move forward.

 I have been self-limiting for so long and I know a lot of you out there have been holding back from following dreams, being the person you want to be, and thriving because of some of the things you have been through. Let's do this together!

Let's chat!